Thursday, 24 September 2009

A book dedication

Mike Bird has written a new commentary on Colossians and Philemon. I was delighted to receive a copy in the post today – the preface closes with the following dedication:

I would like to dedicate this book to my good friend Ben Myers, who is making theology in the antipodes fashionable again and is my syndoulos in the kingdom of Christ. His dedication to the theological craft is inspiring. May his tribe increase!
I expected to live my whole life without ever receiving such a warm and generous dedication (or any dedication at all); so I feel humbled and very grateful!

Mike's other latest books include Are You the One Who Is to Come? The Historical Jesus and the Messianic Question (Baker 2009), Introducing Paul: The Man, His Mission and His Message (IVP 2009), and How Did Christianity Begin? A Believer and Non-Believer Examine the Evidence (Hendrickson 2009).


Terry Wright said...

Cool, Ben. But isn't your tribe large enough as it is?

kim fabricius said...

How nice, on this occasion, chief, to get the bird.

roger flyer said...

In the antipodes fashion? In the geographical or theological sense? Is he a Kiwi?

Erin said...

he's just covering for buying that whizzenator on Amazon...

Erin said... really is a lovely sentiment :)

Anonymous said...

What a nice dedication!

Anonymous said...

What a nice dedication!

kim fabricius said...

How nice, on this occasion, chief, to get the bird.

Erin said...

he's just covering for buying that whizzenator on Amazon...

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